Saturday, April 19, 2008

Azeroth 35-50

Stranglethorne Vale, STV

There are two tiers of quests at STV. The first quests will be level 35-37 and the later will be 40-42. That’s why it’s a good idea to go here after 1k needles and then move on to badlands and Dustwallow marsh before returning for the last group of quests. This will leave you in the early forties and ready for Tanaris.


There’s no need to enter Tanaris to early, your goal here is to get to level 44-45 to be ready for Feralas. If you can get to 44 without doing anything but the Wastewander / Pirate quests you can save the rest and move on to Feralas.

The forties

At least for horde characters Feralas and Hinterlands are somewhat connected. You can do the first quests in Feralas, head over to Hinterlands and then return to Feralas and end up at level 48-50. The Jintha’alor quests are great now that you can solo them, just get them all done at once and you will ding 2-3 levels.

Now, finish off with the last couple of quests in Tanaris, the tree elementals and ogres and you should be at level 50 and can start on Un’goro. Or, if you prefer you could head up to Felwood around 48 and start the quests there.


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Lonely Peanut said...

Ah, I love STV my level guide took me all over that place and I leveled faster than I could say "wow."